I have just received from France a 4000 set. That's the 040 loco and two blue passanger coaches. Was a bit worried as the guy had a few negative feed backs but it all came OK Also got a 4105 pipe carrier 4111 goods waggon and a 4113 container car. There is a lot more on the way which I hope to get over the next few days. Anyway the loco worked perfectly straight off even the light. which considering its nearly 20 years old is a very positive sign. I didn't even have to clean the track. There was no figures in the set but have managed to pick up a few Special railroad figures who are now attending to the maintenance. Have only set it up in the spare bedroom for testing purposes, whilst I await the other locos to arrive, much to our cats annoyance. Anyway the point of this post is that the 4113 container car has four clips that hook on to the matching four holes of the container whilst the pipe carrier or flat car has a base with two long groves onto which the container slots into place. So why on earth did they make a complicated arrangement for the container car when the flat car was already engineered to take the containers. And can we hope to see CONLINES containers and artic truck/lorry and a railroad flat car next year