I was expecting the prices to rise, but this is getting out of hand, if pics from THAT site are true..

I really want the blue house klicky - the house would not be in the plans, and at that price... Gods.
(still didn't get my hands on the new prisoner from the bell-less bell tower)
The museum again without the armor and cannon = meh. Need to see the klickys.
List and available pics in the usual place:
amclicks linkMedieval reeditions
-70955: Museum
-70956: Blacksmith
-70958: Blue house
-1004: Magic carpet
-1005: Genie of the wonder lamp and treasure
-1006: Rich merchants

handmelon football
-1008: Team #1
-1009: Team #2
-1010: Fans team #1
-1011: Fans team #2
-1012: Cheerleaders team #1
-1013: Cheerleaders team #2
-1007: Flamenco dancer