Since several people are coming across this issue on several threads, I decided to put this here (copied from the PROCESS)
Apparently there was a recent Chrome update that "upgraded" unsecure urls (starting with http) to secure (with https) - that happens to me if I access The PROCESS on Chrome. By replacing all images to load from https, it breaks it, because I don't have a certificate for playkingdoms. So, while is perfectly fine, is obviously wrong (since there really isn't a certificate).
Found a workaround here: on the icon next to the url in the address bar
Click on Site settings - there is a long list of options
On the "Insecure content" - choose "Allow"
I don't THINK this is a problem for playmofriends in general, unless the site is hacked... I don't recommend doing this with banking sites, ebay, paypal and such. Please also keep in mind I am not a security expert.
If that workaround stops working, and if that is the problem (and I think it is), I don't see it fixed in the near future, at least as far as I am concerned - it is not in my plans to pay for a certificate (the site is purely a fan site, I make no money at all from it, there are no transactions or anything, and frankly, it costs me enough as it it

You can also try to use another browser, to see if it works (I usually use Firefox, and didn't see that YET - but it may be coming, I think.)
Considering google thinks it's a great idea NOT to display even an error messages, I doubt this issue will go away by itself.