Bw (Bahnbetriebswerk) BalconiaGradually the Ferrovie dello Balconia also gets its own workshop facilities. On the overview photo from left to right:

1) Klusbedrijf (job company) HENK. By now well known small construction company that has made many second hand wagon or locomotive ready to run.

2) Water tower. Also optionally swimming opportunities for Billy-Jo, Betty-Jo and Bobby-Jo (but this one has been photographed many times before).
3) Coal bunker for the steam locomotives. Coal is still refilled manually, but a crane is on the wish list.

4) Small shed containing lubricating oil, grease, lamp oil, lamps, tools and all kinds of other small things you need to maintain locomotives and wagons.

5) Tower with brake sand. This tower contains sieved and dried fine sand that locomotives use to prevent them from slipping during braking.

By the way, at the top of the tower you have a good view over the yard.