I bought this sprue of tools recently.
It came with six tools still attached, but I added in the axe (which fits perfectly) and the shovel (which doesn't fit
In this view you can see why the shovel doesn't really fit.
The reason I thought it must be a shovel that is missing is because eight grey tools are often found together in early PM sets and that eight includes a shovel.
The sprue is not flat at the point where I have put the shovel, but has a piece much higher than the plane which most of the other tools lie in, as well as a large space to the right of where I put the shovel. (I dont think the sprue is significantly distorted and none of the shovels I have seem to have sprue attachment points in the right places.
So, any other sugestions as to what the missing tool might be? (It's not the handles and frame of a wheelbarrow, I tried that)?