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PLAYMOBIL Castle 5725 vs. 5757 Color?

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Hi Friends,

can someone help me???

Does the Castle 5725 have the same Color as the Castle 5757 oder 5979 ??

Thank you.



--- Quote from: Customizer on January 21, 2024, 13:45:27 ---Hi Friends,

can someone help me???

Does the Castle 5725 have the same Color as the Castle 5757 oder 5979 ??

--- End quote ---
5757 = 3269 is the same colour (but a different building system).

I think 5979 is a different shade of grey, but haven’t checked.

Hello John,  :wave:

thx for fast answer, the import thing i search for the color from the Castle 5725.


Hi Andi!
As I have a few of these sets myself, I can confirm that the 5725 Knight's Castle is all black (except for windows and floor pieces) unlike any other Steck castles, as far as I am aware.  5738 Catapult Castle has regular gray Steck walls with black buttresses, a black gate (with blue trim), and black trim pieces on the towers.  :)   

Sorry for not being clear enough, Customizer.

I wanted to say that 5725 is of the exact same colour as 5757. I added the information that 5757 and 3269 are basically the same castle, but that is really beside the point. Their common colour is generic dark grey, also known in German as Anthrazit; I would not want to call it black, as Indianna does.

5979 is also dark grey but slightly different from the rest. It is darker still.

I can provide a daylight comparison picture, if that is helpful.


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