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Green girl figure from 3782 help
Hello! I have an almost complete vintage City Bus set, #3782.
I’ve looked for a very long time and have never been able to find one of the child figures- a girl with a classic flip bottom torso in a particular shade of light green. Bright more than pastel, it can be seen if you look up the set #. I’m afraid I haven’t figured out uploading images on here.
I don’t even remember where (eBay?) but eventually I scored a similar figure, same torso color. The legs were different but I was able to swap them out with legs from one of my extra classic child figures.
Problem is, her hands are bright red! (Maybe she was from a Christmas Special, she’s not showing up on a Klicky search on Playmodb.)
Apparently the hands on child figures cannot be removed? I can’t find anything that says otherwise. I’m now looking at painting them (just the hands). Her face is the standard light flesh color seen on most vintage Klickies. Can anyone suggest a good paint to cover well and the right color? I need only a small quantity, since I just want to do the hands. An acrylic paint marker could work, or a mini bottle of paint.
Thanks in advance!
On playmodb, the box shows the figure you describe, but the detailed images show a figure in blue:
The blue figure with white limbs is an adult. The girl in the green dress is not shown on the PlaymoDB page for this set.
Hi 4bairns - I have this set, complete with girl. One solution which doesn't involve painting would be to find a pair of child's arms in the same colour as the torso, with the right colour hands. It's quite easy to pull a child klicky apart and swap the arms.
When I looked through my spares, I found 13 child klickies (boys' arms are the same as girls') with light green arms, of two main shades.
The nearest match with the green girl's torso seems to be this one, from 1989, making it a similar vintage to the green girl in 3782 (issued in 1988).
I have the pink and green girl spare if you would like her.
I’d love to have the pink and green girl, just tell me how much you need for her and thank you! Would definitely solve my problem. Still need to buy the pink bow for my city bus set but those do come along and I keep a running list on eBay. Usually unless a piece has been very hard to find I wait until I have 5-6 items in my cart or wish list from a single seller, otherwise the shipping costs more than the part. I’ve temporarily subbed an extra pinkish purple bow.
Just saw how to attach a photo. It used to be quite complicated and involved a secondary website I didn’t belong to (PhotoBox I think?). Then that disappeared- defunct maybe- and for awhile it wasn’t possible to add photos at all. Glad it’s been handled. My photo is blurry because when I had her out my phone wasn’t handy so used my iPad, which has never taken very good photos.
Ok strike that- I attached it but when I hit post got a message that the file was too large. Not being a computer whiz- and as a senior citizen- I don’t know how to change that.
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