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I found a site that lists sets released later this year.

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It's a French site.

Biggest surprise here is the Halloween set using steck! It's just a small ruin but still, they are going to put actual steck back in stores.
A pity the zombie in it has a wrong face but Dracula and Van Helsing look good and like actual playmobil. Some interesting parts with it too.

Sadly yet more Novelmore sets, can't they please move on from it already? It features a castle but it's just the red/black villain castle of the last batch before Novelmore, with Novelmore colours.

There's a nice looking witch with a flying broom, sadly ruined by the soulless new eye thing they seem to do here and there. Is there a way to remove that or something? I hate those eyes so much, ruins what otherwise could be perfectly good clickies.

The new pirate calendar I'd need to see a proper picture of the contents of, seems it comes with a female pirate for the first time, sadly along with a half octopus clicky with wrong eyes. But I think the pirate does have normal brown eyes. But these calendar sets often have a lot of nice little parts so it does have my curiosity.

The other stuff does not interest me personally, the new figures have nothing interesting to me and sadly half are ruined by the wrong eyes.
But feel free to have a look, there's plenty of other new stuff too coming up.

What I good find!
Here are my thoughts:
71624 & 71625 I’m hoping the platypuses, frilled lizard and the wombats can be ordered as a spare part
71639 & 71640 don’t like the real hair on the horses. The selling point for playmobil is the durability.
71644 I really like the dragon in this novelmore set
71648 it’s a nice supermarket set
71651 my kids actually play with the ruin from the older set 3839 in combination with different Halloween characters. I’m a bit disappointed in this Dracula klicky. I like the 71582 special better.
71680 smart to make a set with the Asterix klickies



What are those wall connectors ?

A freekin banana on a scooter, how oddly random is that

I’d this called the “molly rave” set


--- Quote from: Rhalius on June 24, 2024, 17:52:06 ---It's a French site.

Biggest surprise here is the Halloween set using steck! It's just a small ruin but still, they are going to put actual steck back in stores.
A pity the zombie in it has a wrong face

--- End quote ---
I think it's meant to be more like Frankenstein's monster or a ghoul.


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