General > Trains!
4029 Coupler AddOn ?!
Hello Friends,
i find a pircture from the Set 4029, here can you see red AddOns on the Coupler.
I think these are so that the hoes are not decoupled?!
Have one a better picture or a detailed picture, how it works ??
I may have some where, but it will take time to find, maybe after Christmas. The red piec went on to the vertical part of the press down piece to uncouple the hook from the loop. One red piece would go between two trucks.
Junker Jörg:
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die für den Fahrbetrieb gedacht waren. Es könnte sein, daß die Teile den Kupplungshaken während des Transportes in der Schachtel vor Beschädigungen schützen sollten. Meines Wissens gab's die Dinger in den deutschen Sets nicht, und das genannte Set war speziell für die USA ausgelegt. Möglicherweise war das aus irgendwelchen warentransportrechtlichen Gründen nötig? Oder sind US-Wohnzimmerfußböden so uneben, daß ein Entkupplungsschutz vonnöten ist? 8}
I'm not sure acutally if those red clips really were issued for running reasons. Might be they were just added to protect the hook against damage while beeing transportet inside the box? I've neve come across those parts in German sets - and 4029 is an US-export set. So might it be, that's due to some US-goods-transport-safety-reasons? Or would an US-drawing room floor be that uneven an uncoupling protector is required?
Junker Jörg:
Hobberla... Doppeleintrag - double post, sorry!
Hello Jörg,
Thanks for your idea, I don't think it was just for transport.
The living rooms are not really uneven.
The Americans are garden railroaders so it is more intended for outdoor use.
Strangely, the parts are not included with the 3958. I have it myself and I couldn't find a photo from 3958 with red the addons.
There is also no information on playmodb.
I'm curious if anyone can contribute anything else.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
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