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French exhibition featuring a 3 meters high custom Eiffel Tower
Good evening dear Friends :wave:
I invite you all to discover the extraordinary custom made 3 meters high Eiffel Tower created by our Friend Arnaud for a French exhibition.
A masterpiece that required one year and 40000 Playmobil pieces to complete :love:
A topic posted by our French friends from Univers Playmo :
Karim :gent:
That's great! Thanks for sharing.
Hopefully those firemen can extinguish that fire that just started in the Playmobil version of Notre-Dame de Paris quickly! :-\
Is there somewhere showing how it was made and with what?
I think the main girders are the ramp from this set or 6338, painted.
--- Quote from: GrahamB on October 05, 2023, 08:20:31 ---I think the main girders are the ramp from this set or 6338, painted.
--- End quote ---
Oh how interesting, I would never have guessed :thanks:
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