Creative > Customs Gallery


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Joshua D:
Thanks so much Birdie and Tiermann, glad you are enjoying them  ;D

Joshua D:
A couple more, The new women’s hair style looks great on medieval klickies!


--- Quote from: Joshua D on May 15, 2023, 20:36:14 ---A couple more, The new women’s hair style looks great on medieval klickies!

--- End quote ---

Yes, looks great - have to try that combination ;)

The green torso is from one of the new medieval houses, right? Didn't get my hands on that guy yet :(

Joshua D:
The green torso is from one of the series 16 mystery figures. I had to remove a lot of print from the Alpine guy’s shirt.


--- Quote from: Joshua D on May 16, 2023, 10:00:48 ---The green torso is from one of the series 16 mystery figures. I had to remove a lot of print from the Alpine guy’s shirt.

--- End quote ---

:-[  My bad...

On the plus side... that one I have... cleaning will be needed  :P


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