Creative > Customs Gallery

My Avatar 'The Nightmare Man'

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Hello  All

There was very kind feedback about my avatar in my introduction post so i thought i would take the opportunity to thank you all properly by posting a few pictures.
I also thought you might be interested in his background as quite a few people picked up on his similarity to a space man.  This is very close comparison because there is a certain 'scifi' / 'horror' storyline attatched to him.
So without further ado i introduce you to 'The Nightmare Man' based on a book by David Wiltshire.  To tell you much more would be to give the story away, a story i eventually hope to tell you using Playmobil. It is a little bit scary but i hope to re-create it so younger members will not find it to frightening, it was made for TV in the 80's with a PG13 rating.

Regards  Tim


A man... odd clothes... gasmask... during night... forest... with a rather big knife...

This can be a very good story  :D


--- Quote from: Kvart on November 12, 2005, 12:27:12 ---A man... odd clothes... gasmask... during night... forest... with a rather big knife...

This can be a very good story  :D

--- End quote ---

*shivers* I've got the popcorn popping and am ready for a good fright!  :o

Very cool photos!  :)9

I did wonder if there was more to this fig than him being simply a space traveller. I'm intrigued already just by the brief details you've given us. 8-) Normally I'd head straight to google to find out more, but I will be patient as I don't want to spoil any of the surprises for myself. 0) ;)

Thanks, Tim! :)

i am excited to learn the story too

And, the figure is very menacing in the close up.

Thank you,
Meg, off to make another avatar collection


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