Creative > Customs Gallery
Sixties Chicks at the Tate
David (Guarrenzino) and I added a few retro-inspired conversions recently at JustForKl!cks.
One of these is the figure I'm currently using as my avatar. Tim_w made some nice comments about it in my "Welcome" topic, so I thought he and the other PF members might like to see what the rest of "Peggy" looks like, if they haven't already visited the site. :) Though I do have to say she pales a little by comparison to "Jackie" (one of David's girls) who is also shown on this page. 8-)
Pease click the pic above and it will take you to J4K where you can see more pics which can be opened at larger sizes. :)
Hello Sylvia
Wow :o !! they are excellent and very pretty !! I have allways been a big fan of both your's and Davids work, the attention to detail and presentation never fails to amaze me. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your work !!
Kindest Regards Tim
I second what Tim has allready said. Your painting skills are the most fantastic, so detailed. How do you do it? :)
Attention to detail is right! Even the tiny paintings are authentic Tate replications (does "authentic replications" make any sense?) I love all 3 of your 60s ladies! Is Jackie the blonde? I still like that checkerboard dress the best! :D
What every one else said
The attention to detail is wonderful
The dresses are perfect for the era.
the execution is amazing.
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