Errrrrrrrr, yes Madame X, I have got an older brother who plays the electric guitar, why?
I suppose that you also have an older sister, about 24 or 25 years old, perhaps?
Me thinks Madame X is very wise. She must have looked in my crystal ball while I was napping!
Dang it, you heard me then . . . . it must have been that crash when I knocked the table over and the crystal ball almost landed on Rocky's tail and he tried to leap clear but landed on you instead (I hope those scratches have all healed up by now
) . . . After
all that trouble I went to, it turns out that I don't have "the gift," so gazing into the crystal ball was of absolutely no use (I kept seeing people wandering dazedly around in a flame-filled pit somewhere
) Anyhoo, whatever I know (or think I know) about Nibor I had to learn using good old-fashioned espionage techniques (I am a woman of mystery, after all
. )
Now, to get back on topic, I must say that your customs are really very good, Nibor! Not only do you have a good eye for color and style and putting all of the right elements together, but you also place your creations in interesting backgrounds which enhance the appearance and "story" of each figure. Thanks for sharing your work with us - I look forward to seeing more of it in the future.