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Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on Today at 01:09:37 »
News / Re: Playmobil in the News
« Last post by JLMatterer on March 06, 2025, 19:21:10 »

News / Re: Playmobil in the News
« Last post by JLMatterer on March 05, 2025, 23:17:07 »

Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on March 05, 2025, 22:49:45 »
Plastoy figures.

Collector's Corner / Re: klickyklack's small & evolving collection
« Last post by minuteye on March 05, 2025, 17:02:43 »
I definitely agree with you on the face printing for the snails. 6755 is absolutely adorable.
Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on March 05, 2025, 04:23:58 »
News / Re: Plasticobilism
« Last post by NovaBombardment on March 05, 2025, 01:10:42 »
Just because they smile, doesn’t mean they are joyful

You are right actually. They do not feel anything. They are toys. :lol:
Collector's Corner / Re: klickyklack's small & evolving collection
« Last post by klickyklack on March 04, 2025, 19:18:31 »
I've been looking for that honey bee girl, but I'm thrilled for you that you found her. It gives me hope that she's out there. :)

I love the Playmobil sets that have little mirrors. It's just that extra level of detail that Playmobil brings to the table.

Also I don't know what's up with the duck family set, but it seems everyone got the same male klicky. If you look around at pictures online, nobody seems to have the female one. I bought two duck family sets hoping to get the woman, and when I didn't I looked into it more. Maybe the shape of the hat didn't work correctly with the woman's hair?

Glad to see more 1.2.3 posts happening!

Fingers crossed that a bee girl turns up for you!

I did see your post about your duck set & saw yours was the same, & I'd already had a look around online to see what I could find & the few I spotted on IG were also of the short haired/male variety.  It's very strange! 

There are other female 123 klickys with various styles of hats, & so I'd be surprised it they couldn't have made it work (& I mean, they at least have the one used for the advertising & that clearly worked)

More 123 posts to come once I've edited the photos, I still have my fairy sets & some other bits & pieces to add. 
Collector's Corner / Re: klickyklack's small & evolving collection
« Last post by NovaBombardment on March 04, 2025, 17:48:58 »
I've been looking for that honey bee girl, but I'm thrilled for you that you found her. It gives me hope that she's out there. :)

I love the Playmobil sets that have little mirrors. It's just that extra level of detail that Playmobil brings to the table.

Also I don't know what's up with the duck family set, but it seems everyone got the same male klicky. If you look around at pictures online, nobody seems to have the female one. I bought two duck family sets hoping to get the woman, and when I didn't I looked into it more. Maybe the shape of the hat didn't work correctly with the woman's hair?

Glad to see more 1.2.3 posts happening!
Collector's Corner / Re: klickyklack's small & evolving collection
« Last post by klickyklack on March 04, 2025, 12:21:20 »
More of 6610 after I located the cabinets  ::) & some photos of the custom doll house I was making when I got my first Playmobil 123 sets. 

When the living room was still a WIP (third photo) I was using pieces like 30-050940, 0-02-1930, 3065-7510, & the bookcases from 3417 & 3290

I'm still using some items in there like 30-22-5290, & the square tables like the ones in 3290 + lots of small accessories like the book stacks, but mostly ended up swapping the Playmobil pieces out for other thiings.
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