Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on Today at 01:09:37 »
Just because they smile, doesn’t mean they are joyful
I've been looking for that honey bee girl, but I'm thrilled for you that you found her. It gives me hope that she's out there.
I love the Playmobil sets that have little mirrors. It's just that extra level of detail that Playmobil brings to the table.
Also I don't know what's up with the duck family set, but it seems everyone got the same male klicky. If you look around at pictures online, nobody seems to have the female one. I bought two duck family sets hoping to get the woman, and when I didn't I looked into it more. Maybe the shape of the hat didn't work correctly with the woman's hair?
Glad to see more 1.2.3 posts happening!