General > Trains!
Repairing (soldering?) the antenna of a 4011 engine
Hi all
When I was a kid we couldn't afford the Playmo trains (or very large sets), so I am really happy i could buy some second hand ones for my kid.
Usually I only need to clean them a bit and replace a few parts. Recently I obtained an RC 4011. The engine runs, however, the antenna is broken off right above where it comes out of the plastic surrounding of the engine. I have both the old and replacement antenna, but couldnt find any manuals or videos on how to repair it.
I heard it needs to be soldered. Unfortunately I am a novice to repairing electronics and soldering. Does anyone have some tips on how to do it, or links to a video?
thank you!
This may help:
but it says you have to solder a new cable to the control board, you can't just solder on an extra bit of wire.
Have you tested the motor to see if it will work with what aerial there is?
Thank you, the engine does run. I was afraid I'd have to solder it to the motherboard which I don't know how to take out or make more easily accessible for soldering.
Junker Jörg:
Erfahrungsgemäß fährt die Lok auch mit abgebrochener Antenne - die Reichweite leidet bloß ein wenig. Bevor Du groß rumlötest, probier's erstmal, ob's ned auch so geht.
Experience says even with a broke antenna the engine unusally runs properly. So bevore messing around try to run it as it is.
--- Quote from: Junker Jörg on September 27, 2023, 07:50:46 ---Erfahrungsgemäß fährt die Lok auch mit abgebrochener Antenne - die Reichweite leidet bloß ein wenig. Bevor Du groß rumlötest, probier's erstmal, ob's ned auch so geht.
Experience says even with a broke antenna the engine unusally runs properly. So bevore messing around try to run it as it is.
--- End quote ---
Yes, that's my experience too.
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