General > Community Events
Connect to Smile Playmo Weekend in Mol (pictures!)
There were a few more, I don't think I got every single table, but I hope you enjoyed these nonetheless :)
Thanks for posting these. It looks like a great event. I am hoping to go to Europe for the 50th anniversary next year but havent decided what event to center the trip around. Will Playmobil do anything for it I wonder? They have changed so much I wonder if they remember we all exist.
--- Quote from: Tiermann on April 17, 2023, 17:09:17 ---Thanks for posting these. It looks like a great event. I am hoping to go to Europe for the 50th anniversary next year but havent decided what event to center the trip around. Will Playmobil do anything for it I wonder? They have changed so much I wonder if they remember we all exist.
--- End quote ---
Ugh, I wish I knew :( It's so weird to me, as the adult collector's market and community for Lego is clearly thriving.
I'm sure there are Playmobil fairs to focus on no matter what time you decide to travel - those seem to have only increased in size and number over the past years!
Wow! What a great event! I'd love to get to see one of these, there seem to be lots in France, Germany, Spain,
The Netherlands and Belgium according to 'Playmobil in the News.' Mind you, I haven't even made it to Kirkbean here in the UK, yet.
Thanks for sharing lots of pictures, Birdie. It's the nearest I am likely to get to visiting such an event in person :(
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