General > Trains!

Station Master Controller

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There’s a break in the rain today in SoCal so I’m finally getting to run my trains with the new Station Master 6 controller from RR Concepts. You can program it to do a lot of different things. I have it setup to control the sidings and alternate the trains. It has a sensor to slow it down as it enters the siding and then another to stop it. Eventually the passenger train will be stopping at the large station and the diesel will be stopping at the freight dock and warehouse. The harness looks rough, but it’s all modular and will be cleaned up later. Since I don’t have a permanent layout, the way it is setup now, I can get the track down and trains running in under an hour.

Junker Jörg:
That does look good! And it's an interesting technique to run an analog railway automatically.

Das schaut ziemlich gut aus. Eine nette Option, um analog automatisch zu fahren.


Very interesting.  Presumably, if, say, the points are set so that the passenger train goes straight on it continues round and round  the loop until it is directed back onto the siding again, and similarly with the goods train.

Junker Jörg:
It's "spring loaded points", isn't it?


Yes, they are set for the passenger train to leave the main line but could be reset after the train has set off first for it to continue straight on until redirected again onto the siding, either manually or remotely.


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