Unfortunately for some, Thalia.de only delivers goods to the following countries:
Germany / Austria / France / Netherlands / Belgium / Luxembourg / Sweden / Denmark / Italy / Finland / Ireland / Portugal / Lithuania (and possibly Switzerland)
(Missing Brexitland off that list I understand, but why not Spain, Norway, most Eastern European countries nor Liechtenstein?)
Right. I found that strange.
I saw that... and did a dummy purchase on the spot. As feared just the usual dear countries available. DE, CH, AU. Emailed them, and was told that with an account they would ship to those other countries.
Happy happy!
Created the account. Add to cart. Checkout.. uhm.. all countries there, not just that handful... whatever. Fill all data.... Error.
So, after trial and error, playmobil doesn't ship. Or lego. But a Ravensburg (sp?) puzzle does.
Emailed them, and that was confirmed.
So, treated like trash, as usual. I did try to nag someone about it. We'll see.
And I do wonder.. wasn't there an EU law forbidding this sort of mess? Also the no-shipping-out-of-my-precious-little-country thing?
(Yes, I am still furious with this. SOOOOO sick of it. Sometimes I wish I was into something else, from a company that didn't treat the customers out of the country of origin like garbage, and the collectors like a plague. And that actually WANTED to sell stuff. And that made SOME sense, but that is maybe stretching it?)