Author Topic: Geobra redundancies and outsourcing, restructuring Playmobil (Autumn 2023)  (Read 14872 times)

Offline Janilew

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Taylor Swift klickys aren't going to save PM. I actually found a local toy store last weekend with some PM... took a hard look at some of the newer lines and thought, What is this junk? The Dino Rise sets are the worst, with packaging that doesn't make it clear what it is or how it fits in with the overall theme... the Wiltopia sets look even weirder when placed up against traditional Playmo plastic sets, they almost seem like a different company's products... PM needs to cut the fat, reinvigorate its blue lines and THEN work on "what's next."

It’d be really great if they did. But let’s be real here—they’re going down the same road as current Disney: grossly out of touch with their fans and customers. They’re almost spiteful to the former, which is unbelievably in the norm these days. So…best to hold on to the older sets as much as you can, we’re on a sinking ship.  :prays:

Offline collectobart

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Taylor Swift klickys aren't going to save PM. I actually found a local toy store last weekend with some PM... took a hard look at some of the newer lines and thought, What is this junk?

You know it's toy fair, right. So whatever is being huffed and puffed around this time of the year is just a sales pitch to say, toy buyers, we are back in business.

And if you read similar company press releases or interviews of the past 10 years the list of failed big intentions and new strategies piles up, there always is a new way forward launched that hardly survives till the next year. And there always is an economic crisis or a changing market to blame afterwards.

This year, we are handed the kid-dult card, the card that every other toy company is also throwing around, so we will see where that brings us again same time next year.