General > Brainstorming For Playmobil

New Colors for kids


Going with the current trend I’d suggest that the brilliant staff at Geobra make this but with kids in mind. Financially its been going as planned, so…. keep repeating.

I’d say purple roof, bright metallic red walls, orange windows, pink foliage, a fluorescent green door and market it to boys

Call it “Dry Dirt Upside Down Rain” theme

You know... this makes me wonder what a US-based "Northern Settler" line would look like... PM already has all the figures, outfits and vehicles (rafts, canoes, Conestoga wagons), all they would need to do is add a log (or stone, or turf) cabin, cattle and early farming equipment like plows. You could even include Lewis and Clark...

Considering how many Germans and Scandinavians participated in settling the American north and heartland, it would have appeal to European customers as well.

As amazing as that sounds I do believe that the current design/marketing department would screw it all up

If done correctly and tastefully I too think that would be a great idea

I see a serious trip hazard in those lower steps. Also please don't tell me you went with a shingle roof.

I'm not seeing any mounts for canons or missile throwers. Will they be included on the wheelbarrow and flowerbeds?


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