General > Direct Service/Parts Queries

Part Numbers from New Horse Stable Theme


Little Jo:
I'm looking for the spare part numbers of some items from the new Horse Stable sets:

4186 Puppy

4189 Jeep roof
4189 Horse blanket
4189 Horse "bandage"

4190 Piebald (bi-colored horse)
4190 shovel, blue (large)
4190 "trash" shovel set, blue
4190 cat, black

4193 Horse blanket
4193 brush set
4193 Klicky woman

Anybody? Many Thanks in advance.

Gordon will have the Jeep roof number somewhere. He ordered a few last month from DS.

Horse: 30 65 2172
puppy:    30 63 5372
cat:    30 65 2152

as far as I am aware Animobil is up to date on part numbers for everything through the Cayman sets that were just released. I don't have any numbers for thje other new zoo sets yet.

Little Jo:
Thank you Tim for the numbers. Wasn't aware that you're that up-to-date.

BTW, the baby dolphin is 30 65 3012 (and the fish assemble of eight is 30 03 5720).

Anybody else with the rest of the numbers?

Thanks Jochen, those will go in my next update.


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