Some notes on set 71014, produced in Malta in 2023 by geobra Brandstatter Stiftung & Co. KG for the Diözesanmuseum Bamberg.
This is the front of the box:

And this is a view of the back:

The QR code directs to the
company's sustainability blurb.
Inside there is no information leaflet, just the two figures in a (recyclable) bag.
This is how they look at the front:

Surprisingly, the figures are not named anywhere in the product, but the museum publicity material identifies them as
Henry (Heinrich) II, Duke of Bavaria,
rex Romanorum, and finally Holy Roman Emperor from 1024 onwards. Previously, he had founded the Diocese of Bamberg (1007), hence the connection to the museum. The other is his wife,
Cunigunde of Luxembourg. Both are venerated as saints in Bamberg.
The figure of Henry has a very attractive, broken-white colour; I hope it shows in the image. Cunigunde is a color match for another medieval promo: Henry the Lion of the Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH (#6925 and #70315).
And this is what they look like at the back:

As always, no new pieces were produced for this promotional set, just known pieces in new colours and printing. The capes completely steal the show, especially because their design copies the pair's original robes that, as relics of the holy imperial couple, have survived one thousand years and are on display in the museum:

(The picture is based on images hosted at the
Historisches Lexikon Bayern. Go there for more information.)
Interestingly, Henry's
star robe was a diplomatic gift from southern Italy.
The pattern of the capes nicely match the medieval originals. Their shape most probably does not, even if it is not always clear how the cloth was originally cut. At any rate, it must have been a more substantial garment than the flimsy capes shown here.
Best wishes