Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome, and for being such a positive & creative group of people generally!

What a great story! I like all the characters: the great-uncle, the parents, and the narrator of course!
I promise the characters are based on real relatives! The narrator may be entirely fictional, however

You happened to land in Germany just when the finest ever sets were on sale in the shops. The mid 90s truly were the pinnacle - I own all the sets that you mention, first discovering them as an adult who had returned to his childhood favourite toys (I had completely ignored the brand throughout in the 90s and 00s). Just imagine encountering these magical sets with the mind of a child! Lucky you.
I have missed a lot of great figures and sets during my 20-year hiatus from Playmobil, which I am slowly supplementing through eBay as finances allow, so I definitely feel your pain on "missing out." But yes, the sets released in the 90s were simply fantastic! I own a few catalogues from the mid- to late-90s, and still flip through them from time to time and drool over the pictures. While I still enjoy contemporary Playmobil, I feel that they have moved a bit closer to the Mattel aesthetic than I would prefer, and I wish they would get back a bit of their 90s magic. Although the invention of "hoop skirts" in the early 2000s was a great innovation!
I love your pictures, and the narratives that accompany them. It is a blessing that you have joined PF. I hope you like it here!
Best wishes from Munich
Thank you for the kind compliments! I only got to spend one day in Munich, but still have good memories of that lovely city. Most of my time was spent a little south, in the town of Freising.