Hello PlaymoFriends!

I have been lurking 'round these parts for a bit, and am so excited to finally join a group of positive and knowledgeable people! I was hesitant to join at first, because compared to many others, I could scarce be called a Playmobil "collector." Perhaps Playmobil afficianado? Playmobil enthusiast? But I am certainly hoping to expand my collection and to learn more!
My love of Playmobil began in the summer of 1995 as a 7-year old (on the verge of turning 8). I got to travel along with my father and grandmother to stay for several weeks with my great-uncle in southern Germany, where my family is from. This trip was a magical experience in many different ways, and Playmobil played a part in that. My great-uncle had given me 100 Mark (a sizeable sum for a small child then) to spend while I was there. Having never been given an allowance or spending money before, I was at a loss as to what I would spend it on--that is, until one day I discovered Playmobil in one of the local shops.
As a kid who always had an interest in history--as well as a love of Grimm's fairy tales--I was instantly drawn to the world of Playmobil, particularly the Knights and Magic sets. I still own and cherish the several small sets I originally bought in Germany, including the King and his Court (3659), Merry Men's Hideaway (3626), Sorceress (3838), Wizard's Workshop (3839), and the Dragon (3840).
My parents were impressed by the quality and imagination of Playmobil as well, and were happy to indulge my interest for birthdays and holidays. Over the next few years, I added a few of the larger sets to my collection, including the Large King's Castle (3666), Small Castle (3667), Baron's Battle Tower (3665), and Dragon's Temple (3841). I also acquired the Golden Nugget Saloon (3787), and inherited a rather complete Victorian Mansion (5300) from my sister.
I "lost interest" in Playmobil as I grew older, although I would regularly check out the website throughout this time to see what new products they were coming out with. Over the last few years, I have rekindled my love of Playmobil, and have started adding to my collection once more.
Looking forward to learning more from all of the wonderful people here and to sharing in the Playmo-love!