Creative > Photography & Graphics
BlockCreationz | Playmobil 3Deas - #3 Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper
The Colonial Viper from Battlestar Galactica and Playmobil. That concept has always stayed with me. It must have been 1980 or 1981 that my brother made a Colonial Viper out of cardboard and toilet rolls. It was the coolest toy we had for Playmobil.
Therefore, herewith a Colonial Viper design for Playmobil.
[modelled, textured and rendered in Blender]
:love: :love: :love: :love:
May the Lords of Kobol pity my wallet (poor thing fainted!) - if that ever comes to pass... well.
I have the warriors (click for more: direct link on playkingdoms)
Thanks for the link ! Those are some good-looking warriors.
I am going to try to recreate these two in 3D. Might be a nice addition to the 'set'.
--- Quote from: BlockCreationz on December 29, 2022, 10:27:13 ---Thanks for the link ! Those are some good-looking warriors.
I am going to try to recreate these two in 3D. Might be a nice addition to the 'set'.
--- End quote ---
Thank you - took me a long time to complete them.... I am happy with them - decided agaisnt helmets, since it's beyond my skills.
(and muffit is original from some brand)
Please post the render when you finish it :love:
That’s a very nice design!
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