Getting Started > Welcome!

Hello from SC, USA!

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Hello everyone!

Joining as a Playmobil parent turned enthusiast as while the kids have grown, we still have a good working train set left, and bringing it out each Christmas for a display…and adding new sets along the way to help takeover the living room. Love the durability of these and enjoy setting them up/having some micro displays around the house year round!


Joshua D:
Hello and welcome from  California!
I still have my old west steaming mary train from the 80’s. Once in a while my son and I drag it out and take over the living room with all the western wagons and buildings and people. It’s a great toy, my son enjoys playing with the sets that I have held onto from when I was younger such as the castle and pirate ship and we have added more to the collection, mostly police, fire and rescue sets. He also loves lego which may be getting more popular with him now but, we still have fun setting up scenes and telling stories with the playmobil. Hope you enjoy it here 😊

Welcome to Playmofriends from Stroud, UK!
Your love of Playmobil trains is shared by many, even though some of the best sets are now no longer made and have become expensive to buy as a result.

Welcome from the North Yorkshire coast in the UK (well, on the edge of the UK) from another train fan.

Welcome from the Netherlands!


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