General > Collector's Corner
Playmobil 3349 Meter Maid
I'm rather fond of the Playmobil 3349 Meter Maid set, both the lady Klicky and the parking meter.
Please see the attached photo showing a red sportscar owning gentleman in discussion with the village Parking Control Officer (Meter Maid!) - his parking meter is definitely showing red! :)
Many years ago I owned a beautiful Bertone X1/9 sportscar, the Playmobil 3758 White Sportscar and 3708 Red Sportscar bring back those memories . . . :)
Best wishes,
I'm with you, Neil. Great set, as indeed are the two sports car sets.
Like the police speed trap set, the sort of set only Playmobil in its "Classic" days would produce.
Maybe he could argue he was just waiting to have a word with the bishop.
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