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Kirkbean Playmobil Festival 2016

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Sorry to hear of your loss Elaine.  I am glad to know that you will be carrying on in his memory.  I LOVE to see the dioramas that you share from the festival.

Good on you for keeping it going :)

Great to hear you will be continuing the tradition Elaine.

I wish you lots of success with this year's festival, and I hope it can take your mind off the grief, even if it is for little bits at a time.

The Islands Railway, as Elaine said, will be basically the same but with the addition of Boris Island Airfield and Golf Course.

At the castle, there will be a small tournament re-enactment scene, and I also hope to incorporate a diamond crossing into the track layout.  The latter is the result of overhearing two ladies saying that the train was "wriggling around less" than in 2014 and so the layout was less interesting.  (In 2014, there was a diamond crossing.)


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