Author Topic: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)  (Read 20986 times)

Offline Captain Henry

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2006, 01:28:13 »
That may not work so well with the guinea pig, Meg! ;) He'd get lost in the pocket...
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Offline Little Jo

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2006, 04:55:22 »
Thank you all for your nice comments.  :D

Ditto. I really like it also. :)
You should get someone (Kay, perhaps?) to take a photo of you wearing it so we can see how the real shirt looked. ;)

I could do such a photo by my own (if I would like to  ;D), 'cause my camera has a remote control (or alternatively a delayed shutter release).

Well, when I was to meet someone I just had my klickie avatar in a shirt pocket.

It may get a bit difficult with lots of people, but they knew me at first sight.

Oh, now I'm confused, Meg  :-[ How do many people have a look inside your shirt pocket at first sight? Or is the shirt transparent? And how is "knew me at first sight" really meant? Seeing your avatar or do you in real life look like the guinea pig? :yup:

(Sorry, isn't meant insulting  ;), I'm just wondering and asking myself how your recognition strategy is working, because I also thought about carrying around my avatar but came to conclusion that this would end up in a somehow secret agent manner, showing tokens under say table and whispering "pst, hey, please identify yourself ... who are you?"  :lol:)

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2006, 07:29:14 »
When the Playmoboard recently had one of their get-togethers, one of the members made button badges for each person who was to attend using photos of their avatars. Probably more cost effective than producing t-shirts, and a little less embarassing to wear...  especially if you have to meet in a public place that isn't Playmo-oriented in any way.  ;)

I'd be happy to wear a printed t-shirt too, but I think I'd prefer the avatar picture to be smaller than how you had it, Jochen. ;D

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2006, 08:47:06 »
I remember when I was due to meet a member from Playmoboard who was visiting England I took my avatar along and sat down at a coffee table in the hotel reception with my avatar sticking out of the top pocket of my jacket.  I took it out on a number of occasions, looked at it, put it down on the coffee table in front of me and so on with no reaction from anyone in the reception area.  Eventually, I asked at the reception desk for the person I was waiting for and found out that they had been sitting opposite all the time! ;D
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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2006, 17:29:43 »
It was when I had a different avatar.
Being an adult figure, she could fit into my pocket and be held up with her arms outside of the pocket.

I was meeting a couple who were expecting me, and the husband immediately saw the klicky in my shirt pocket and welcomed me.
His wife was wondering How he knew it was me, and he told her to look at my pocket.


Offline Little Jo

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2006, 21:00:27 »
 ;D Ok, Meg. That makes sense. Now I understand.

BTW I had a jacket over the T-Shirt when moving around in "public places", so it wasn't to much embarrasing  :-[ ;)

@ Sylvia: the size was necessary so that an intersted person hadn't to come that close to recognize the picture. The Convetion exhibitors also had badges with small icons (?) and a name on it. But they where that tiny (for my taste) that I can't read anything even I was standing right in front of a person, just a table inbetween (that's also the reason why I'm not sure about the icon/avatar, 'cause I haven't seen it corretly).