General > Collector's Corner

SpeedybenPlaymo's Collection

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Very nice, Thanks for sharing these.  Does the snake have the wire or metal insert so it can be bent into different shapes? They had the large red one before that was that way.

Thanks for sharing :)

That snake is GORGEOUS! :love:

Welcome Ben! I was in Roeselare last Sunday and saw your diorama, it was the first time I saw the Novelmore castles in real life, I have to say they are much bigger then I expected! Now I'm curious of your whole collection, over 2500 klickies... That's a lot! But I guess since you're collecting knights, you'll have many duplicates?

I didn't know they sell the legs, arms and torsos separately now as well... That must be a recent change?


--- Quote from: GrahamB on September 15, 2021, 15:10:52 ---That's a great picture of the Griffon-knight-torso guy, Ben.

Presumably you requested replacements for the missing parts from your Series 19 figures and picked up the part numbers from the invoice sheet when they arrived? If you email the numbers to Heather at, she will surely include them in the DB (or she may see them on here and pick them up that way).

2512 klickies! That's impressive!

--- End quote ---
And thank you guys!

Yesterday I have put my 2 Novelmore castles together as 1 big castle...

...but the table was too small :-[ so I still have some spare parts left. :lol:

I watched the whole Novelmore series again yesterday and I can't wait for March 2022 to have that wonderfull dragon!! :love:

Next week the extra equipment of my skeletons should arrive and than I will take some pictures of my Sal'ahari Sands  ;D


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