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SpeedybenPlaymo's Collection

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I have also been following design courses this year. Thanks to these I have designed and 3D printed my own Playmobil compatible parts!
I created some small parts first in the Novelmore theme like a Gothic lantern, a waving flag, the stairs of the Crimson Caldera throne and the strategy table of General McGriffin.

But after my 3D Design course I tried some bigger projects like my Magical Library and Outpost Clocktower. The theme that includes these packs is named "MYTHS". This is a fantasy world which can be an extension to the current Playmobil parts and buildings and is System-X compatible!

I also printed this Gothic House + fence from Printobil (with my lanterns attached)
Printobil also made Dario Da Vanci's workshop for me. We brainstormed together (which was so amazing) and he worked it into an amazing building. Kudos to my friend! You can see the building in the Novelmore diorama in my last post!

Wow, those are so gorgeous!!

Thank you for sharing!


--- Quote from: Speedyben on November 08, 2024, 15:09:54 ---I have also been following design courses this year. Thanks to these I have designed and 3D printed my own Playmobil compatible parts!
I created some small parts first in the Novelmore theme like a Gothic lantern, a waving flag, the stairs of the Crimson Caldera throne and the strategy table of General McGriffin.

But after my 3D Design course I tried some bigger projects like my Magical Library and Outpost Clocktower. The theme that includes these packs is named "MYTHS". This is a fantasy world which can be an extension to the current Playmobil parts and buildings and is System-X compatible!

I also printed this Gothic House + fence from Printobil (with my lanterns attached)
Printobil also made Dario Da Vanci's workshop for me. We brainstormed together (which was so amazing) and he worked it into an amazing building. Kudos to my friend! You can see the building in the Novelmore diorama in my last post!

--- End quote ---

I just found you on cults3d! :D I LOVE your items! (if that is indeed you on there) They seem so wonderful and totally match the vibes of the original, glorious Knights theme. :love: Now if only we could get our hands on accurately proportioned klicky models, then we'd be home set! While here's plenty of male parts going around, it's so hard to find any for females. Once I get the 3D scanning software working properly, I'll attempt o scan the hoop skirts and alter them.

I'm looking forward to your future exploits! ;)

I somehow missed this post

Wow, absolutely stunning designs and 3D prints

Gorgeous pictures and loving the 3D creations  :love:

I will most definitely be following you on IG  :wave:

Karim :gent:


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