Author Topic: Heavy Goods Vehicle Accident  (Read 11104 times)

Offline Morgan

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Re: Heavy Goods Vehicle Accident
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2006, 15:36:06 »
Fantastic photos, Tim!!  ;D I always love those short realistic photostories  :)

Offline Tim_w

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Re: Heavy Goods Vehicle Accident
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2006, 17:19:31 »
Hello Richard, CH, Ben, Kristian

First of all thank you very much indeed for the kind feedback and for taking the time to reply. Some of you have asked some questions which i will try to answer here.

Hello Richard.
Your assessment of the accident is spot on and as you suggest the Police will certainly be looking into the actions of the driver of the blue car. I was fascinated to hear that you where a former Police officer and that you have experience of investigating car accidents. I have allways been fascinated with the 'mechanic's' behind accidents and the chain of events that lead up to them. I suppose it sounds strange to some people but i am sure you will understand. I guess its just a need to understand what went wrong and how. It would have been very interesting running through the real events with Playmobil car's. I am allmost certain that doing this would instantly open a jury's eyes as to what went wrong. Just seeing it played out in front of them would shed a whole new light on things. 

Hello Ben
In the UK our fire service and ambulance service are both separate from each other. Unlike the USA our health service is provided 'free' by the Government through the National Health Service. The NHS as it is called provides ambulances which are on hand locally for any emergency. To cut response times it is common practice for ambulances to station themselves around the local area as opposed to sitting waiting at the ambulance station.
Thank you for the feedback on how the HGV trailer was stabilized. It was quite an interesting experiment because i found that the jacks, positioned how they where actually did stop the trailer moving. There where 4 jacks in total allthough only 3 of them can be seen in the picture. Your firefighters are more than welcome to come over to the UK for a training exercise on the new equipment. If you can get hold of the parts it would be a pleasure to make you some bits and pieces.

Kindest Regards  Tim  :wave:
