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My Figures sets - a bit of a fail
I bought one of the My Figures pirate sets this year, main reason was it includes three women and female pirates are a bit rare. Now I finally have enough to at least properly crew a pirate ship if I'd want that. I don't think there's been another black female pirate at all even.
I agree the potential is limited, it's mainly the legs you have more freedom to move around some. I do like that it lets me give a woman a peg leg since again, something that I don't think that is anywhere else. I've never been able to take regular clickies apart.
The lackluster building is a bigger complaint from me though, the sides could have been longer and it could have had a full roof so you could even put a regular sized cannon on it.
What I would suggest for them to do, is release several smaller My Figures sets of the same theme, where all clickies in each pack have the same skintone and gender.
Buying more of them would still allow some more mixing and matching, mainly in accesoires.
This could serve as the 'pirate crew' set we usually see, but now there'd be like 3 of them. Could be two with three men of matching skin tones, and one with three women.
All with their own accesoires and a little more.
Like maybe one could have a table with a bench and some cards for them to sit around, another crew could have a larger rowboat or even a small pirate ship, and the third could have a campfire with meat on a spit.
Or maybe they could just ditch everything that's not clicky accesoires and instead double down on that instead, having extra belts, hats, weapons, armour, capes, etc.
I did find the figures set I got pretty sparse in accesoires.
5 weapons for 6 figures.
2x dynamite, why the heck is that even there in a pirate set? Replacing that with 2 pistols would already been a better use of the same amount of plastic.
Zero belts of any kind for them to wear.
Zero cuffs, bracelets or other stuff to put on their wrists.
One thing to put around their neck, just one white collar. Could also have added like a necklace, cape, scarf or whatever.
Why even put a crab, monkey and rat in a pack with few accesoires? Especially that little monkey is in almost every set already, there's better options.
Still, I am happy with the clickies, I did modify them some and used some spare accesoires for them too. I made the redcoat woman a pirate, gave those white legs with boots to the soldier and gave her a peg leg instead. It's more like she stole that red coat or something. Gave her a belt around her waist too with a sword in it, and a gold necklace and bracelets.
Forgot to get back to this thread. We today played with the latest my Figures pirate set and my son ended up using spare parts and had alot more fun. The favourite was the grey haired dandy pirate, I think those work best for swapping around.
Playmobil just need to be more generous with parts.
Good point on skin toneless bodies and arms, that would work, gloves etc.
The legs really are the most swappable element.
I do think they should make all Klickies figures type in sets and it might encourage this to work a bit better.
It is good to see more female pirates, those are getting more interest and my daughter gravitates to them (we dont push it, just something she naturally goes for).
Tahra’s right, they keep showing freaks as what you can do which is a bit nonsensical and rarely what my son does with these, he tends to want to create characters that look intensional, not something the bully kid from Toy story would do
--- Quote from: CrimsonCleaver on November 10, 2024, 17:13:40 ---I do think they should make all Klickies figures type in sets
--- End quote ---
This is a good idea. I'm not a swapper-outer myself but more modularity would probably increase appeal for children somewhat. It's the key to L*go's success.
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