General > Community Events
How to Revive Maisie & Fred's Excellent Adventure
--- Quote from: tonguello on September 23, 2012, 13:04:34 ---
We should have an annual comunity event.... I mean a different one each year. It would make us closer as a community and as friends. :love:
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That sounds good Gaston,
Do you have an idea in mind?
well... we could start with Fred and Maisie going around the world for Xmas holidays.
Or some secret Santa for Xmas (or similar, for those who don't celebrate Xmas) and leave Fred and Maisie for the whole 2013.
I volunteer to organise it, I could do it since mid October. :)
why make it so difficult? Why not let Fred en Maise actually travel the world ?
This shouldn't be too hard, sending two klicky's around the globe.
Especially in a padded envelope or something, so you'd get the same couple everywhere.
F&M with cane and camera, ship them and they can have their next adventure. This would create our own heritage ;D :love:
--- Quote from: mfrankena on November 17, 2012, 11:48:04 ---why make it so difficult? Why not let Fred en Maise actually travel the world ?
This shouldn't be too hard, sending two klicky's around the globe.
Especially in a padded envelope or something, so you'd get the same couple everywhere.
F&M with cane and camera, ship them and they can have their next adventure. This would create our own heritage ;D :love:
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Hm, it actually might be fun doing it that way!
I know we have wanted to take M&F on adventures with us but seem to have misplaced them somewhere :doh: When we find them we will start taking pictures again.
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