Creative > Story-Telling

Toby Moves House (and gets a pony)

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Part One - The New House

'Mummy,' said Toby, 'Will you ask Daddy if I can have pony riding lessons?'

'Yes, of course,' answered Mummy, 'I'll ask him this evening.'

'I think pony riding lessons would be good for Toby,' Mummy said to Daddy, 'It's healthy exercise, and will also encourage confidence and a sense of responsibility.'

'I agree that it is a good idea,' said Daddy, rather unexpectedly, 'Because hopefully we will find a house to buy in the countryside soon, and he could have a pony of his own, and maybe that will be an opening for him to make new friends there.'

'Toby!' called Mummy, 'I have good news for you. Daddy agrees that you can start having pony riding lessons.'

'But first we must get you kitted out with a hard hat and riding clothes.'

Mummy booked riding lessons at the local riding school and, excitedly, Toby set off for his first riding lesson.

'Here we are,' said Mummy.

'This is Toby,' she said, 'he is here for his first riding lesson.'

''We'll start with some exercises to loosen you up,' said the riding instructress, 'Hands in the air, and then touch your toes.'

Sometime after this, Daddy had some news for Toby.

'Mummy and I have found a house for sale which looks ideal for us.  We will all go and see it tomorrow.'

'Here we are,' said Mummy, 'And here's the estate agent waiting for us.'

'Oh, this is a big kitchen,' said Mummy.

'This cooking range would have to go, though. I'm not cooking with one of these.'

'I love the fireplace in this sitting room,' said Mummy.

'The bathroom is functional, I suppose,' she said.

'I like this!' said Toby.

'This is the first bedroom,' said the estate agent.

'Wow!' said Toby.

'And this is the second bedroom,' said the estate agent, 'Either or both of the bedrooms could be split into two rooms, making extra family rooms or guest rooms.'

'We would have to install a new kitchen,' said Mummy.

'And I'm not really sure about the positioning of this staircase,' she continued, 'Although I suppose it could be left here for the time being.'

'I will show you outside,' said the estate agent, 'As you can see, the garden has great potential.'

'Great potential for a lot of hard work, I think,' muttered Daddy.

'And here are the outbuildings,' said the estate agent.

'Stables!' cried Toby, delightedly.

'I could really truly have a pony,' said Toby.

'Yes,' said Mummy, 'And though some parts do need a bit of work, I think that this is the house for us.'

Tomorrow: Part Two - Moving Day



Love how the house is all detailed... and the pic of mommy with the parrot!  And that is a HUGE building they went to see :o

Looking forward to part 2!

Wonderful! Another classic in the making.  What dedicated parents, moving house to find one with a stable block (even though the kitchen is unworkable!)

Yeay, another Toby story!  :woohoo:

Mum's picture on the fridge is my favourite detail.

That is a huge house  :o  I hope we see it decorated  :)  Although I agree the staircase in the kitchen is a bit weird.

Part Two - Moving Day

At the riding school, Toby continued with his lessons.

And when he came home one day, Daddy had a surprise for him.

'We've bought the house in the countryside!' he said, 'It's our house now!'

Sometime later, Mummy said to Toby,

'The new kitchen has now been installed in our new house, and I've booked the removal van, so we need to start our packing tomorrow.'

'We will all have to work hard at packing up our things,' said Mummy, 'And we also need to dispose of things that we don't want to take with us. Come with me...'

'All this mess of yours needs to go,' said Mummy to Daddy.

'Daddy, what do I use to pack my toys in?' asked Toby.

'Here you are,' said Daddy, 'Pack everything in these boxes.'

'It doesn't all fit in,' thought Toby.

'Mummy,' he said, 'What do I do if my toys won't all fit in the boxes?'

'You'll need some more containers,' Mummy replied, 'I'll come and help you.'

'There,' she said, 'That's everything packed.'

'I wonder how Daddy is getting on.'

'I'm taking these things to the Charity Shop,' said Daddy.

And, finally, Mummy said,

'At last! We've finished everything now.'

'Now Toby,' she said, 'You can watch the Removal Team, but you must stay out of their way.'

'They are getting on with it quite quickly,' said Mummy.

And then it was all done.

'We've loaded everything into the removal van now,' said the Removal Team Leader, 'So we'll be on our way to your new house.'

'Goodbye Old House,' said Toby.

Tomorrow: Part Three - At the New House


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