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9433 Enemy Airboat with Raptors

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This and the Triceratops set are one tier down in price from the big 9429 set, but this is definitely the second biggest set in the series and a very cool one too.

Pretty full box

The hovercraft is big, about as big as the temple. It has a ramp that can be set at two places with the attached side pieces or left loose to hit the ground. The cage part is on a platform that fits on the main deck, but there isn't a deck itself, instead when the cage floor is off you have a cavity in the hull big enough to park one of the three other vehicles from the theme in.

The cage off the craft

This is a great looking cage and big enough to fit the included dinos nicely. The door can be unlatched from the sides and opened.

The two dinos - new colors of the Deinonychus mold, called raptors in this series


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